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Strategic Advisory

Designing a strategy that meets its objectives is hard. It has to be visionary but realistic. In uncertain times Leaders ask themselves, "What is actually going on? What do we not know? Are we resilient?"

Complexas provides unbiased, candid and relevant advice on strategies. It does this by developing strong trusted working relationships to quickly identify critical factors and find pragmatic solutions whilst working within the Client's culture and being firmly aligned with their purpose.

ESG Advisory

The emphasis of compliance has now shifted decisively away from the broad and unspecified interpretation of CSR towards ESG. This term explicitly describes the fundamental factors which all investment stakeholders increasingly look for. ESG factors are critical to an ethical and commercially successful venture yet we are already experiencing the rise of 'green washing' and the potential for severe reputational risks. We have on the ground experience in dealing with social issues and advise Client's on how to design and meet social objective as part of their investments.


Our expertise is in designing systems and methods to collect, analyse and produce rare information of the highest quality and veracity to resolve uncertainty and better qualify risk.  We believe in the value of First Party data and human intelligence to supplement secondary sources of information (OSINT & HUMINT).   Gaining actionable intelligence that supports decision making is what we seek.


Having conducted investigations across the globe for over a decade we are familiar with the signs of wrongdoing, as well as the probability and cost of success.


We investigate companies and individuals for a multitude of reasons and work alongside or prior to legal support. 


Our strengths are bringing objectivity and clarity to a client’s decision whether and how to proceed as well as being realistic about the time and cost of pursuing the issue. We work for multinational corporations, private equity and high net worth individuals.

Operational Consultancy

We are a small and agile consultancy with a very strong track record. This record and our extensive experience allow us to identify the root causes of problems quickly. We believe in spending a lot of time on the ground with our client’s businesses often in challenging environments. Our skills are strategy, planning, operational implementation, communications and information.

Community Data Collection

& Analysis

This is a combined service and product that gives Client's an understanding of a community or group’s needs and behaviour in a challenging location whether it’s remote, unstable, insecure, in conflict or post-conflict. 


Complexas can produce extraordinarily valuable First-Party data from those who live and work in these environments.  


First-Party data has multiple applications that range from community development to employee communications and measuring investment impact.  Complexas can also establish localised networks that provide continual First-Party data as part of long term data collection. It is the route to understanding social risk, maintaining a social license to operate and building operational resilience. 

Investment Appraisal & 

Due Diligence

Appraisal of an investment, particularly into an emerging market begins with a high level of uncertainty. Many projects fail to get investment approval due to those risks.  We help clients better understand and mitigate this risk to the point that it becomes acceptable. 


We source the information that is required to make an investment decision, whether it is prior to or during due diligence. In emerging markets this requires unusual skills; local knowledge, contacts, networks and experience; an ability to triangulate the information being provided; inquisitiveness, curiosity and healthy levels of suspicion allied to persistence are all key requisites.


We have undertaken over 30 of these projects over 10 years in more than 20 countries and advised on over $10bn of investments.

Cyber Threat & Reputation


We proactively manage your reputation and online profile by countering sources of incorrect or fake news with targeted messaging reaching the people that matter most to you and your brand.  This bespoke service relies on a team of experts and the support of real time, accurate reporting.  Cyber band and reputation management is an increasingly large field and one that relies on a multitude of skills and resources.

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